Each one of us have faced melancholic moments in our lives where we feel helpless, hopeless and worthless. And due to stigma, most of us deny having such feelings.. It can be due to some family, financial, failure in exams, loss of a loved one, health problems. It is quite normal to have such low moments and we must openly share them with our dear ones to reduce the burden. But being a world where each one of us are struggling for survival of the fittest in a rat race for existence , we tend to ignore such feelings by hiding them under the carpet..With the rise in single parenting and nuclear families, kids are all facing isolation and are forced to fight their own problems.. Only the fittest survives under such circumstances, leaving others getting lost. Thus we are losing many precious lives everyday.
World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year – that’s one person every 40 seconds.
Today is world suicide prevention day and theme for 2018 is Working Together To Prevent Suicide. With the alarming epidemic of suicide spree gripping the world, leaders have come to a conclusion to take preventive measures.
Today is world suicide prevention day and theme for 2018 is Working Together To Prevent Suicide. With the alarming epidemic of suicide spree gripping the world, leaders have come to a conclusion to take preventive measures.
When a suicide takes place, we often blame ourselves for ignoring the symptoms when it's somebody really close to us.. I have lost 5 people I know very well to suicide. And till now their family members too avoid contact with everybody.
On this day, I have a message to all those surviving that you're not alone in this journey. Life is full of ups and downs and is not a bed of roses. You must come stronger everyday with each struggle.
1)All of us feel suicidal at times. Nobody is immune. If you haven't felt it so far, give life a chance... And believe me it's quite normal to have these thoughts.
2)loneliness and hopelessness contribute a lot to final stage.
3)whenever you realise that your friend, acquaintance, lover, student, neighbour, relative, is avoiding people , you should ask if they are okay.
4)Asking about their problems is the best way to help
5)Offer to talk, brew a cup of tea/coffee/hot meal. Don't advice. Just hear them out. At the end, thank them for trusting you with all the information, thoughts and feelings.
6)Ask what you can do to help them feel better. It is a simple question but a powerful one at the end of patient and helpful listening.
7) if you feel intimidated hearing their problems, tell them and ask how they overcame their hurdle.
8)Call a helpline if you feel worried about their safety.
9)seek help from psychiatrist, professionals, experts
10)Patient listening and company are the greatest tools to tackle their problems.
11)keep in touch and let them know that you care.
Let us save many more lives on this day and everyday.